C (11)
Carbon 60
DETOX your body at the cellular level
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Censored Search
Censored Speech Search - database of banned web sites for the answers they don't want you to know
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Short mobile videos - Free to use - no ads
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Classical Capital
Wayne Jett author of The Fruits of Graft - Potlitics and their effects on finances
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Combat Veterans For Congress
Supporting the election of fiscally conservative Combat Veterans For Congress
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Conservative Angle - Forum
Conservative News and forum
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Conservative Brief
Conservative News, opinion and entertainment
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Constiturional Law Group
Pursuing lawful claims against multiple governors: California, Washington, and New Jersey
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Corbett Report
Alternative News - James Corbett
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Covid Plan B
Why New Zealand should modify its response to COVID-19
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CV Pandemic Investigation
Investigating the Alleged Covid 19 Pandemic Research. Understand. Communicate
G (7)
Gates of Vienna
Free speech news with moderated, but open commenting -multiple authors - news of repressed speech
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George News
Not Just Politics As Usual
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Glenn Beck
Radio & TV host, blog, opinion, news, 13 time NYT Best Seller, legendary - Glenn Beck
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Global Incidence Report
Medical outbreaks, human trafficking, earthquakes… track global incidents.
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Global Research
Global Research welcomes submissions of news and feature articles
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Golden Jackass
The site of numerous forecasts related to the degradation and destruction of the global financial system
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Google Crimes
Coalition Against Google - get catalog of Google Crimes
O (6)
Off Guardian
Founders were censored and/or banned from the Guardian - both sides of current issues
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Of Two Minds
Blog, books and musings of Charles Hugh Smith #7 in CNBC's top alternative financial sites
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One American News
One America News (OAN) Conservative news
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One Dollar DVD
Imagine if you always had a nice stack of wake-up-call DVDs to pass along.
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On Freedom Road
Concerned Citizen Blog I love my country ... but I fear my government.
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Operation Disclosure
News relating to the Great Awakening, the Global Financial Reset, Exopolitics, Geopolitics
P (9)
Parents for Safe Technology
Safe Wi-fi, EMFs, 5G
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Patriot Revolution
Chose unity over division, sovereignty over submission, liberty over oppression
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Patriots Win
Forum for serious supporters of President Trump. We have discussions, memes, AMAs, and more.
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Satan, Sodomy and the Deep State (Robert David Steele)
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The Truth at any cost lowers all other costs (Robert David Steele)
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Podcast Guests
Podcast Guests Directory
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P2P Foundation
Peer to peer wiki - "Together we know everything, together we have everything"
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Prep With Mike
List of IN-STOCK preparedness items by Mike Adams, Natural News
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Press for Truth
Dan Dicks - videos, news, financial reporting, includes opinion & commentary
S (11)
Side Hustle Nation
Amplify Your Earning Power - Nick Loper - Blog on starting a business
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Simon Parkes
Updates on current state of US and UK news as allegedly passed on by intelligence connections
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Spirit and Torah
Blog for truth, faith, freedom, country: news, videos, audios, articles
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Stamp Your Cash
Stamp Your Cash With our URL, and Help Expose the Truth About our Monetary System
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Star Nations News
Disclosure for the Awakening sharing reports like Scott McKay and Santa Surfing
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Steel Truth
Ann Vandersteel - Live weeknights at 9pm - guests like Mike Flynn, Sydney Powell and Lin Wood
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Mark Steyn Online
Mark Steyn opinion and news blog
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Stop Naked Shortselling
Stop the Naked Shortselling of America (Robert David Steele)
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Survival Nutrition
Report put out by Mike Adams, Natural News
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Survive The News
Religious, Christian organization fighting the fog of the mainstream media - conservative news
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Swiss Policy Research
Nonpartisan and nonprofit investigating geopolitical propaganda in Swiss and international media
T (30)
Take Back Your Power
Documentary standing against the multi-billion dollar rollout of ‘smart’ utility meters
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The American State Assembly
Anna Von Reitz - Correct your status - State Coordinators.
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The Conservative Treehouse
Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism.
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The Crow House
Australian musician - computer, video,
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The Epoch Times
Report the news, with no hidden agendas and with journalistic integrity
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The Forensic Nurse
There are natural solutions to every health problem and you deserve world class health care
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The Freedom Articles
Alternative Media - Independent News - Get a Dose of the Truth
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The Free Thought Project
Conservative news the latest news in government corruption and accountability
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The Gateway Pundit
Counter establishment News focuses on topics Heartland Americans care about
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The Greater Reset
Replays of online conference - info on Agenda 21 and the great reset
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The Imaginative Conservative
For those who seek the true, the good and the beautiful: liberal, learning, politics, political economy, arts
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The Liberty Beacon
Alternative News - The Liberty Beacon Project's mission - “THE ERADICATION OF PROGRAMMED IGNORANCE”
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The New Internet
Internet Browser allows users to comment on any website without being censored, banned or de-platformed
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The Palmieri Report
USA news, politics, media, social issues, deep state, store
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The Patriot Journal
News: Coronavirus, Donald Trump, Election 2020, congress, supreme court, polls, petitions
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The Scoop
News that you, the American patriot, deserves to know about, and other media refuses to cover.
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The Task Force Info
Communications hub for the Patriot Revolution- to free America from the grip of the New World Order
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The True Law
Training and Resources $17 a month WHAT IF… You didn't have to go searching for info - fix finances
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The Truth About Vaccines
Ty & Charlene Bollinger create documentary series - "The Truth About Vaccines"
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Theta TV
Theta Fuel, or TFuel, is a cryptocurrency you can earn on THETA.tv by watching streams and sharing bandwidth
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Think Pray Fight
Concerned citizen Washington State, USA - owner of Best Way Websites - Believes in Jesus and Freedom
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This Is Where I Stand
Conservative concerned citizen on covid, election fraud, vaccines, medical choice, and governement tyranny
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Tor Project
Tor Browser isolates each website you visit so third-party trackers and ads can't follow you.
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Town Hall
Collection of conservative news columnists including Ken Blackwell and Byron York among others
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Trending Politics
News - politics
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Trivium Education
The Trivium method: (pertains to mind) – the elementary three - Grammar, Logic, and Classical Rhetoric
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True Health Facts
Disease cannot be cured if health is no longer being created."
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Truth 11
Alternative news - dedicated to the truth + true journalism. The truth will set us free + unite us.
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Truthstream Media
Aaron & Melissa Dykes opinion, commentary, videos, blogs
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Thomas Sowell
A controversial writer, teacher, economist in government and private industry
V (4)
Validate Our Votes
Free speech collaboration of Melting Pot Patriots and Best Way Websites
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Vernon Coleman
Former professor of Holistic Medical Sciences - free access articles on covid, masks, pandemic and more
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Voltaire Net
Voltaire Network International - non-aligned press groups - analyze international relations. (French)
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Vox News
Harry Vox - conservative news
W (7)
Wall Street On Parade
A citizen's guide to wall street - financial news site - Russ and Pam Martens
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War Room Forum
Conservative Forum - also lists of war room episodes
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Wayne Dupree
Wayne Dupree - Air Force veteran and leading national conservative voice with his own radio show.
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Web of Debt
Ellen Hodgson Brown, J.D. Our money system is not what we have been led to believe.
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We Love Trump
Article sharing, co-blogging- join free
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What Really Happened
Conspiracy Theory: A Truth Not Yet Forced Into View
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World Doctors Alliance
Doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals around the world - united in the wake of the Covid-19
B (12)
Back to Business As Usual
Get back to business - prior to the hoax that is called "Covid 19"
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Banned Video
Video Hosting & Sharing - Alex Jones of Info Wars
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Before It's News
Conservative News
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Benjamin Fulford
Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis
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Best Way Websites
Create attractive and affordable websites
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Beyond Mystic
Jean-Claude - bring balance, abundance and happiness into your daily life - music, videos
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Big League Politics
Citizen Journalist News - Not Liberal or Conservative
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Blacklisted News
Blacklisted News is an independent platform for critical coverage of world news and beyond
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Black Pilled
Devon Stack - mostly more than 1 year old videos (2-10-2021)
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Blaq Balled
(black balled) A place for conservative voices.
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Video Hosting & Sharing - Mike Adams, Natural News
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Official Website of Patrick J Buchanan
R (10)
Red Pill 78 News
Podcasts, videos, daily broadcast (banned from Youtube and Twitter)- Zac Paine
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Resist the Mainstream
Texas based - mission to report the news the mainstream media won’t
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Restore the Republic Pac
Supporting candidates who will fight for Constitutional rights, freedom of speech, and free and fair elections
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Revolution Radio
Where Information Never Sleeps - Live Radio and Archives
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Richie Allen
Covering the stories the MSM won't
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Ron Paul Liberty Report
Opinion and analysis to the breaking issues affecting our lives and finances
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Right Side Broadcasting
US political news broadcasting network founded - focus is live coverage of political events.
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Rush Limbaugh
The Original Conservative News - America's Real Anchorman
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Russell Jay Gould Blogspot
Russell-Jay :Gould Post-master :general
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Ruthfully Yours
The right news, front and center - Ruth King
A (11)
Abba's Ministry
Conservative Prophet
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The American Constitutional Law Attorneys Network
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A Good Health Advocate
Get Well - Stay Well - Lyme Disease, Mold Illness, and getting well naturally
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American Lookout
Conservative News led by Mike LaChance
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American Thinker
A daily internet publication devoted to the thoughtful exploration of issues of importance to Americans
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Analyzing America
News by Dartmouth College classmates Joshua Riddle and David Rufful
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And We Know TV
Conservative News for people who love America
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Kagbabe Declass Links
Declassified Links
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Anna Von Reitz
Restore the Republic and your freedom - the writings of Judge Anna von Reitz
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Ann Coulter
Author of 13 NYT bestsellers - TV Personality - opinion and news writer
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Antenna Search
Detailed info on over 1.9 Million towers and antennas in the U.S.
N (8)
Nation and State
Patriot news and world reports
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Natural News
Defending Health, Wealth, and Liberty - Mike Adams, Brighteon
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YouTube alternative powered by open-source software
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NH Independence
Foundation for New Hampshire Independence - educates on nationhood for the 'Live Free or Die' state.
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Noah Report
Real News - never censored
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No More Fake News
Jon Rappoport's Blog Offers consulting, editorials, company communications
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The Organic & Non-GMO Report
Information to ensure a safe, healthy, and sustainable food supply
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Not The Bee
Social network - subscription based
D (10)
Daily Truth Report
Connected with welovetrump.com - article submission - co-blogging
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DarkDox Occult
Free archive of video, audio, and PDF documents related to the dark side of life
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Dark Outpost
News and history of the diseased thinking that leads to unforgivable crimes against humanity
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David Icke
Alternative news, videos, articles and a forum - David Icke
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Deep Capture
Patrick Byrne - liberal news and opinion- a sound educational system and a healthy capital market.
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Dick Morris
Exposes the entrenched big-government bureaucrats embedded in government, leaking info and worse
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Don Surber
Blog by retired newspaperman who wrote 3 books on Trump and the media
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Doug Santo
Commentary and images
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Dr. Malcolm Kendric
Scottish doctor, author, speaker, sceptic
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Disclose TV
A non-partisan community of like-minded users who share and discuss all things important
E (4)
Educate Yourself
Natural, non-pharmaceutical medicines and alternative healing therapies in the treatment of disease
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The Encyclosphere is coming (as of 2/9/2021)
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Everyday Concerned
News site - current events Ramola D - journalist, fiction-writer, poet, playwright, teacher, author
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Evidence Not Fear
Referenced and sourced COVID-19 information
F (7)
Federalist Society
Group of conservatives and libertarians interested in the current state of the legal order
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Fighting Monarch
For victims of the mind control program, PROJECT MONARCH, successor to MK-ULTRA
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Fluoride in water in Australia - documentary film
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Fluoride Alert
Fluoride Action Network
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Freeman TV
Freeman has lectured around the world - the inner-workings of secret societies such as the Freemasons
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Free Republic
Forum, articles, activism, conservative news
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Free State Project
Join thousands of freedom-loving people like you
H (4)
Here Is the Evidence
Crowdsourcing tool - organizing evidence - fraud and crimes: Covid, election, Gamestop, Capitol Protest
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High Impact Flix
No censorship, t-shirts, resources, covid flyers
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Home Solari
Catherine Fitts - will we choose to continue as a human civilization or instead become something inhuman?
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Human Events
News - Free Speech
I (7)
I Disagree
Based in Germany - citizen's movement - "I Disagree" make 2021 better than 2020
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Independent Sentinel
News, opinion, analysis, factual and original content for a Conservative, Libertarian, Republican audience
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Information Clearing House
A source of news and information for those brave enough to face the facts.
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Ink'd Social
Social Media to give conservatives a voice (CirstenW)
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In Proportion 2
Concerned UK citizen writes about the Covid-19 controversy
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Intel Dinar Chronicles
Intel regarding Dinarland, Iraq, the RV, the GCR, NESARA/GESARA, the Republic, Spirituality, Ascension
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Intellectual Froglegs
Joe Dan Gorman - blog, videos, conserviative, God loving, Patriot
J (7)
James Red Pills America
Conservative Principles are truly based in God’s Word - Pastor James
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Jayme Knyx
Conservative Music and News Jayme Knyx
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JB Handley Blog
7 blogs by JB Handley, best-selling author of How to End the Autism Epidemic
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Jeffrey Prather
Retired special agent, intelligence officer turned whistle blower and targeted by the government.
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J McGowan Blog
Solves problems using numbers -Covid Analysis
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John Brunner
Stand With Liberty - John Brunner, Marine, - author of Battlefield Verses writes blog & current events
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Josh Who TV
Video Live Streaming, hosting, sharing
K (2)
L (10)
Land Destroyer Report
Brian Berletic, an independent American geopolitical analyst based in Thailand.
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Larry Sanger
Education, Internet, Forum, Community
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Last Flag Standing
:Russell-Jay: Gould. :Claim of The Life-Website.
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Video sharing - with credit payments
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Leadership Institute
The Institute teaches conservatives of all ages how to succeed in politics, government, and the media.
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Lew Rockwell
anti-state - anti-war - pro-market founded by anarcho-capitalists Lew Rockwell and Burt Blumert
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News with an emphasis on traditional, conservative values - based in Washington DC
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Lock Down Sceptics
Stay sceptical. Control the Hysteria. Save Lives. Covid Lockdown Sceptics
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Lou Dobbs
Lou Dobbs was cancelled off Fox News - there is a coming soon sign 2-10-2021
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News articles, columns and commentary from legitimate, on-line newspapers, and/or news websites
M (11)
Dr. Magda Havas, PhD
Website dedicated to the study of electromagnetic fields (EMF) and electromagnetic radiation (EMR).
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Maine Republic Email Report
"…That I should bear witness to the truth." – John 18:37 // David E. Robinson, Publisher
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Media Research Center
The mission of MRC - to create a media culture where truth and liberty flourish. (Free Speech Alliance)
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Read and share ideas from independent voices, and experts around the globe. Everyone's welcome.
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The Mises Institute exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian school of economics
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Money Werx US
Provides insight to military special operations, tracking of flights to Guantanamo Bay Cuba
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Melting Pot Patriots
Membership is free - Private Network Representing Your Traditional, Family Values! Paul A. Taylor
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Michelle Malkin Archive
Michelle Malkin is brilliant - this is an archive on an alt news site - deserving of it's own link
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Social Media - Free Speech
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Modern Militia Movement
We desire peace, but not at the cost of our liberty. We stand united and ready. Membership required
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My Patriot Supply
“It’s Not Just Food. It’s Freedom.” We’re taking steps for survival. Today.
U (5)
Video sharing and hosting
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UK Med Freedom
UK Medical freedom - informed consent - vaccine info
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Question Everything - covid, caball, vaccines, child trafficking (Robert David Steele)
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Unshackled Minds
Question Everything - vaccines, covid
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Unz Review
An Alternative Media Selection - news largely excluded from American Mainstream Media
Z (1)
Zero Hedge
Conservative News
Welcome to the Gutenberg Editor
The goal of this new editor is to make adding rich content to WordPress simple and enjoyable. This whole post is composed of pieces of content—somewhat similar to LEGO bricks—that you can move around and interact with. Move your cursor around and you’ll notice the different blocks light up with outlines and arrows. Press the […]
Read moreHow to use Simple Link Directory?
The goal of this new editor is to make adding rich content to WordPress simple and enjoyable. This whole post is composed of pieces of content—somewhat similar to LEGO bricks.
Read moreMy friends are awesome
Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo.
Read moreMaking fun
Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Read moreJust my breakfast
Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper.
Read moreBurning smile in streets
Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.
Read moreDeep dark jacket
Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.
Read moreJust ride your way
Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum.
Read moreEnjoy and smile
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Read moreRifflandia 2019
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sit amet sem porta.
Read moreSincerest Eddie Hart
Turpis sem pretium praesent mus, vitae. Quis aliquet sem litora. Rhoncus hac lobortis.
Read moreIceland 2018
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sit amet sem porta.
Read more