Carbon 60
DETOX your body at the cellular level
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Censored Search
Censored Speech Search - database of banned web sites for the answers they don't want you to know
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Short mobile videos - Free to use - no ads
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Classical Capital
Wayne Jett author of The Fruits of Graft - Potlitics and their effects on finances
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Combat Veterans For Congress
Supporting the election of fiscally conservative Combat Veterans For Congress
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Conservative Angle - Forum
Conservative News and forum
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Conservative Brief
Conservative News, opinion and entertainment
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Constiturional Law Group
Pursuing lawful claims against multiple governors: California, Washington, and New Jersey
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Corbett Report
Alternative News - James Corbett
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Covid Plan B
Why New Zealand should modify its response to COVID-19
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CV Pandemic Investigation
Investigating the Alleged Covid 19 Pandemic Research. Understand. Communicate
Gates of Vienna
Free speech news with moderated, but open commenting -multiple authors - news of repressed speech
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George News
Not Just Politics As Usual
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Glenn Beck
Radio & TV host, blog, opinion, news, 13 time NYT Best Seller, legendary - Glenn Beck
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Global Incidence Report
Medical outbreaks, human trafficking, earthquakes… track global incidents.
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Global Research
Global Research welcomes submissions of news and feature articles
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Golden Jackass
The site of numerous forecasts related to the degradation and destruction of the global financial system
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Google Crimes
Coalition Against Google - get catalog of Google Crimes
Off Guardian
Founders were censored and/or banned from the Guardian - both sides of current issues
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Of Two Minds
Blog, books and musings of Charles Hugh Smith #7 in CNBC's top alternative financial sites
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One American News
One America News (OAN) Conservative news
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One Dollar DVD
Imagine if you always had a nice stack of wake-up-call DVDs to pass along.
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On Freedom Road
Concerned Citizen Blog I love my country ... but I fear my government.
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Operation Disclosure
News relating to the Great Awakening, the Global Financial Reset, Exopolitics, Geopolitics
Parents for Safe Technology
Safe Wi-fi, EMFs, 5G
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Patriot Revolution
Chose unity over division, sovereignty over submission, liberty over oppression
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Patriots Win
Forum for serious supporters of President Trump. We have discussions, memes, AMAs, and more.
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Satan, Sodomy and the Deep State (Robert David Steele)
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The Truth at any cost lowers all other costs (Robert David Steele)
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Podcast Guests
Podcast Guests Directory
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P2P Foundation
Peer to peer wiki - "Together we know everything, together we have everything"
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Prep With Mike
List of IN-STOCK preparedness items by Mike Adams, Natural News
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Press for Truth
Dan Dicks - videos, news, financial reporting, includes opinion & commentary
Side Hustle Nation
Amplify Your Earning Power - Nick Loper - Blog on starting a business
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Simon Parkes
Updates on current state of US and UK news as allegedly passed on by intelligence connections
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Spirit and Torah
Blog for truth, faith, freedom, country: news, videos, audios, articles
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Stamp Your Cash
Stamp Your Cash With our URL, and Help Expose the Truth About our Monetary System
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Star Nations News
Disclosure for the Awakening sharing reports like Scott McKay and Santa Surfing
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Steel Truth
Ann Vandersteel - Live weeknights at 9pm - guests like Mike Flynn, Sydney Powell and Lin Wood
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Mark Steyn Online
Mark Steyn opinion and news blog
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Stop Naked Shortselling
Stop the Naked Shortselling of America (Robert David Steele)
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Survival Nutrition
Report put out by Mike Adams, Natural News
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Survive The News
Religious, Christian organization fighting the fog of the mainstream media - conservative news
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Swiss Policy Research
Nonpartisan and nonprofit investigating geopolitical propaganda in Swiss and international media
Take Back Your Power
Documentary standing against the multi-billion dollar rollout of ‘smart’ utility meters
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The American State Assembly
Anna Von Reitz - Correct your status - State Coordinators.
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The Conservative Treehouse
Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism.
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The Crow House
Australian musician - computer, video,
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The Epoch Times
Report the news, with no hidden agendas and with journalistic integrity
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The Forensic Nurse
There are natural solutions to every health problem and you deserve world class health care
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The Freedom Articles
Alternative Media - Independent News - Get a Dose of the Truth
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The Free Thought Project
Conservative news the latest news in government corruption and accountability
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The Gateway Pundit
Counter establishment News focuses on topics Heartland Americans care about
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The Greater Reset
Replays of online conference - info on Agenda 21 and the great reset
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The Imaginative Conservative
For those who seek the true, the good and the beautiful: liberal, learning, politics, political economy, arts
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The Liberty Beacon
Alternative News - The Liberty Beacon Project's mission - “THE ERADICATION OF PROGRAMMED IGNORANCE”
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The New Internet
Internet Browser allows users to comment on any website without being censored, banned or de-platformed
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The Palmieri Report
USA news, politics, media, social issues, deep state, store
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The Patriot Journal
News: Coronavirus, Donald Trump, Election 2020, congress, supreme court, polls, petitions
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The Scoop
News that you, the American patriot, deserves to know about, and other media refuses to cover.
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The Task Force Info
Communications hub for the Patriot Revolution- to free America from the grip of the New World Order
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The True Law
Training and Resources $17 a month WHAT IF… You didn't have to go searching for info - fix finances
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The Truth About Vaccines
Ty & Charlene Bollinger create documentary series - "The Truth About Vaccines"
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Theta TV
Theta Fuel, or TFuel, is a cryptocurrency you can earn on THETA.tv by watching streams and sharing bandwidth
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Think Pray Fight
Concerned citizen Washington State, USA - owner of Best Way Websites - Believes in Jesus and Freedom
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This Is Where I Stand
Conservative concerned citizen on covid, election fraud, vaccines, medical choice, and governement tyranny
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Tor Project
Tor Browser isolates each website you visit so third-party trackers and ads can't follow you.
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Town Hall
Collection of conservative news columnists including Ken Blackwell and Byron York among others
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Trending Politics
News - politics
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Trivium Education
The Trivium method: (pertains to mind) – the elementary three - Grammar, Logic, and Classical Rhetoric
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True Health Facts
Disease cannot be cured if health is no longer being created."
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Truth 11
Alternative news - dedicated to the truth + true journalism. The truth will set us free + unite us.
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Truthstream Media
Aaron & Melissa Dykes opinion, commentary, videos, blogs
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Thomas Sowell
A controversial writer, teacher, economist in government and private industry
Validate Our Votes
Free speech collaboration of Melting Pot Patriots and Best Way Websites
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Vernon Coleman
Former professor of Holistic Medical Sciences - free access articles on covid, masks, pandemic and more
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Voltaire Net
Voltaire Network International - non-aligned press groups - analyze international relations. (French)
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Vox News
Harry Vox - conservative news
Wall Street On Parade
A citizen's guide to wall street - financial news site - Russ and Pam Martens
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War Room Forum
Conservative Forum - also lists of war room episodes
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Wayne Dupree
Wayne Dupree - Air Force veteran and leading national conservative voice with his own radio show.
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Web of Debt
Ellen Hodgson Brown, J.D. Our money system is not what we have been led to believe.
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We Love Trump
Article sharing, co-blogging- join free
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What Really Happened
Conspiracy Theory: A Truth Not Yet Forced Into View
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World Doctors Alliance
Doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals around the world - united in the wake of the Covid-19
Back to Business As Usual
Get back to business - prior to the hoax that is called "Covid 19"
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Banned Video
Video Hosting & Sharing - Alex Jones of Info Wars
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Before It's News
Conservative News
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Benjamin Fulford
Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis
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Best Way Websites
Create attractive and affordable websites
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Beyond Mystic
Jean-Claude - bring balance, abundance and happiness into your daily life - music, videos
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Big League Politics
Citizen Journalist News - Not Liberal or Conservative
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Blacklisted News
Blacklisted News is an independent platform for critical coverage of world news and beyond
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Black Pilled
Devon Stack - mostly more than 1 year old videos (2-10-2021)
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Blaq Balled
(black balled) A place for conservative voices.
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Video Hosting & Sharing - Mike Adams, Natural News
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Official Website of Patrick J Buchanan
Red Pill 78 News
Podcasts, videos, daily broadcast (banned from Youtube and Twitter)- Zac Paine
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Resist the Mainstream
Texas based - mission to report the news the mainstream media won’t
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Restore the Republic Pac
Supporting candidates who will fight for Constitutional rights, freedom of speech, and free and fair elections
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Revolution Radio
Where Information Never Sleeps - Live Radio and Archives
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Richie Allen
Covering the stories the MSM won't
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Ron Paul Liberty Report
Opinion and analysis to the breaking issues affecting our lives and finances
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Right Side Broadcasting
US political news broadcasting network founded - focus is live coverage of political events.
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Rush Limbaugh
The Original Conservative News - America's Real Anchorman
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Russell Jay Gould Blogspot
Russell-Jay :Gould Post-master :general
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Ruthfully Yours
The right news, front and center - Ruth King
Abba's Ministry
Conservative Prophet
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The American Constitutional Law Attorneys Network
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A Good Health Advocate
Get Well - Stay Well - Lyme Disease, Mold Illness, and getting well naturally
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American Lookout
Conservative News led by Mike LaChance
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American Thinker
A daily internet publication devoted to the thoughtful exploration of issues of importance to Americans
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Analyzing America
News by Dartmouth College classmates Joshua Riddle and David Rufful
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And We Know TV
Conservative News for people who love America
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Kagbabe Declass Links
Declassified Links
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Anna Von Reitz
Restore the Republic and your freedom - the writings of Judge Anna von Reitz
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Ann Coulter
Author of 13 NYT bestsellers - TV Personality - opinion and news writer
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Antenna Search
Detailed info on over 1.9 Million towers and antennas in the U.S.
Nation and State
Patriot news and world reports
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Natural News
Defending Health, Wealth, and Liberty - Mike Adams, Brighteon
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YouTube alternative powered by open-source software
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NH Independence
Foundation for New Hampshire Independence - educates on nationhood for the 'Live Free or Die' state.
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Noah Report
Real News - never censored
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No More Fake News
Jon Rappoport's Blog Offers consulting, editorials, company communications
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The Organic & Non-GMO Report
Information to ensure a safe, healthy, and sustainable food supply
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Not The Bee
Social network - subscription based
Daily Truth Report
Connected with welovetrump.com - article submission - co-blogging
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DarkDox Occult
Free archive of video, audio, and PDF documents related to the dark side of life
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Dark Outpost
News and history of the diseased thinking that leads to unforgivable crimes against humanity
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David Icke
Alternative news, videos, articles and a forum - David Icke
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Deep Capture
Patrick Byrne - liberal news and opinion- a sound educational system and a healthy capital market.
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Dick Morris
Exposes the entrenched big-government bureaucrats embedded in government, leaking info and worse
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Don Surber
Blog by retired newspaperman who wrote 3 books on Trump and the media
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Doug Santo
Commentary and images
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Dr. Malcolm Kendric
Scottish doctor, author, speaker, sceptic
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Disclose TV
A non-partisan community of like-minded users who share and discuss all things important
Educate Yourself
Natural, non-pharmaceutical medicines and alternative healing therapies in the treatment of disease
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The Encyclosphere is coming (as of 2/9/2021)
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Everyday Concerned
News site - current events Ramola D - journalist, fiction-writer, poet, playwright, teacher, author
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Evidence Not Fear
Referenced and sourced COVID-19 information
Federalist Society
Group of conservatives and libertarians interested in the current state of the legal order
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Fighting Monarch
For victims of the mind control program, PROJECT MONARCH, successor to MK-ULTRA
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Fluoride in water in Australia - documentary film
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Fluoride Alert
Fluoride Action Network
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Freeman TV
Freeman has lectured around the world - the inner-workings of secret societies such as the Freemasons
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Free Republic
Forum, articles, activism, conservative news
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Free State Project
Join thousands of freedom-loving people like you
Here Is the Evidence
Crowdsourcing tool - organizing evidence - fraud and crimes: Covid, election, Gamestop, Capitol Protest
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High Impact Flix
No censorship, t-shirts, resources, covid flyers
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Home Solari
Catherine Fitts - will we choose to continue as a human civilization or instead become something inhuman?
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Human Events
News - Free Speech
I Disagree
Based in Germany - citizen's movement - "I Disagree" make 2021 better than 2020
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Independent Sentinel
News, opinion, analysis, factual and original content for a Conservative, Libertarian, Republican audience
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Information Clearing House
A source of news and information for those brave enough to face the facts.
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Ink'd Social
Social Media to give conservatives a voice (CirstenW)
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In Proportion 2
Concerned UK citizen writes about the Covid-19 controversy
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Intel Dinar Chronicles
Intel regarding Dinarland, Iraq, the RV, the GCR, NESARA/GESARA, the Republic, Spirituality, Ascension
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Intellectual Froglegs
Joe Dan Gorman - blog, videos, conserviative, God loving, Patriot
James Red Pills America
Conservative Principles are truly based in God’s Word - Pastor James
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Jayme Knyx
Conservative Music and News Jayme Knyx
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JB Handley Blog
7 blogs by JB Handley, best-selling author of How to End the Autism Epidemic
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Jeffrey Prather
Retired special agent, intelligence officer turned whistle blower and targeted by the government.
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J McGowan Blog
Solves problems using numbers -Covid Analysis
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John Brunner
Stand With Liberty - John Brunner, Marine, - author of Battlefield Verses writes blog & current events
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Josh Who TV
Video Live Streaming, hosting, sharing
Land Destroyer Report
Brian Berletic, an independent American geopolitical analyst based in Thailand.
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Larry Sanger
Education, Internet, Forum, Community
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Last Flag Standing
:Russell-Jay: Gould. :Claim of The Life-Website.
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Video sharing - with credit payments
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Leadership Institute
The Institute teaches conservatives of all ages how to succeed in politics, government, and the media.
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Lew Rockwell
anti-state - anti-war - pro-market founded by anarcho-capitalists Lew Rockwell and Burt Blumert
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News with an emphasis on traditional, conservative values - based in Washington DC
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Lock Down Sceptics
Stay sceptical. Control the Hysteria. Save Lives. Covid Lockdown Sceptics
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Lou Dobbs
Lou Dobbs was cancelled off Fox News - there is a coming soon sign 2-10-2021
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News articles, columns and commentary from legitimate, on-line newspapers, and/or news websites
Dr. Magda Havas, PhD
Website dedicated to the study of electromagnetic fields (EMF) and electromagnetic radiation (EMR).
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Maine Republic Email Report
"…That I should bear witness to the truth." – John 18:37 // David E. Robinson, Publisher
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Media Research Center
The mission of MRC - to create a media culture where truth and liberty flourish. (Free Speech Alliance)
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Read and share ideas from independent voices, and experts around the globe. Everyone's welcome.
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The Mises Institute exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian school of economics
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Money Werx US
Provides insight to military special operations, tracking of flights to Guantanamo Bay Cuba
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Melting Pot Patriots
Membership is free - Private Network Representing Your Traditional, Family Values! Paul A. Taylor
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Michelle Malkin Archive
Michelle Malkin is brilliant - this is an archive on an alt news site - deserving of it's own link
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Social Media - Free Speech
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Modern Militia Movement
We desire peace, but not at the cost of our liberty. We stand united and ready. Membership required
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My Patriot Supply
“It’s Not Just Food. It’s Freedom.” We’re taking steps for survival. Today.
Video sharing and hosting
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UK Med Freedom
UK Medical freedom - informed consent - vaccine info
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Question Everything - covid, caball, vaccines, child trafficking (Robert David Steele)
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Unshackled Minds
Question Everything - vaccines, covid
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Unz Review
An Alternative Media Selection - news largely excluded from American Mainstream Media
Zero Hedge
Conservative News